Emilie Stapp and Isabella participated in four bond drives.
A bond drive was issued in 1950, which raised $118,000 for the struggling team.
Even though strike relief funds were paid on June 1, the Joint Board kept up the bond drive to maintain the pressure on the employers.
There were bond drives and civil defense drills and rationing.
On campus, both students and faculty worked with the Red Cross, organized bond drives, and sent packages to troops overseas.
The bond drive begins, and the three flag raisers are sent around the United States to raise money and make speeches.
The bond drive continues.
Rene has little success as the business offers he received on the bond drive are rescinded.
A bond drive was launched to raise $1 million to help fund the company through the period, but it fell significantly short of raising enough money.
The bond drive was a success, raising $26.3 billion, twice the tour's goal.