Grigsby's system accommodated only one fighter type for each side, and only a few bomber types.
Along with the Heinkel He 111 it was the main bomber type of the German air arm in 1939-1940.
These aircraft may be specially designed or may be modified from a basic fighter or bomber type.
A lack of engine availability slowed construction and by the time it went for tests the thinking on bomber types had moved on.
Before World War II the conventional wisdom was to use converted bomber types for airborne photo-reconnaissance.
Later on, with research, the player could unlock four more fighter and bomber types bringing the fighter total to 180.
The I.A.R. 15 could intercept any contemporary major bomber type.
Before the Second World War, the conventional wisdom was to use converted bomber types for airborne photo reconnaissance.
All three bomber types suffered heavy losses from British fighters, but the Ju 88 disproportionately so.
This was a new bomber type that was kept secret even from other Soviet pilots.