The chance to wreak havoc on the bomber offensive was lost.
There was to be no far eastern equivalent of the combined bomber offensive of Europe.
This plan was used almost without change through the war, in the form of its incorporation into the Combined Bomber Offensive.
Through the last 20 months of the bomber offensive the squadron was equipped with the Avro Lancaster.
The Allied liberation of France and most of the low countries in 1944 greatly enhanced the bomber offensive.
The Combined Bomber Offensive began on 10 June 1943.
This attack marked the renewal of the heavy bomber offensive against targets in all areas of the German Reich.
The critics, including film makers, of the Dresden raid and of the strategic bomber offensive, have apparently completely failed to grasp these needs.
The heavy bombers involved in the Combined Bomber Offensive did not win the war alone, as Harris had argued they would.
Ironically by this time the land battle through Northern Europe was making the Bomber Offensive increasingly meaningless.