With its retirement from the nuclear bomber mission, many B-50 airframes were converted to aerial refueling tankers.
The strategic bomber mission is on the ropes.
The primary task of JG 51 during this time was to provide fighter escort to these bomber missions.
Hill worked for the Associated Press from 1936-1944 and was the AP correspondent assigned to the bomber missions.
After all the bomber missions he'd flown-why?
But if... if we are attacked, you will follow the rules for heavy bomber missions.
Sometime around the late 1950s the airfield was upgraded and its received the nuclear bomber mission.
The Luftwaffe had flown 300 fighter and 40 bomber missions during the 11-12 February.
The heavy bomber missions caused serious problems in the beginning of the operations in Normandy.
Two months later, the wing lost its bomber mission and became the 22nd Air Refueling Wing.