Today, as the bombers approached, these whispers became more daring.
A cloud covering completely obscured the target as the bombers approached, however, so they aborted the mission.
The bomber entered the mess tent and approached a large group of U.S. soldiers detonating himself killing 22 people.
Pupils who were lightly wounded said that the bomber, wearing a closed leather jacket, approached their group as if he wanted to say something.
They would fire when German bombers were approaching.
As the bomber approached the target, any mis-estimate of the wind would cause the sight to drift past or under the target.
According to witnesses, the bomber approached a speakers' panel, verbally greeted them with the phrase "peace", and detonated his explosives belt.
The police said today that the bomber approached the market but turned away when she saw police officers guarding the entrance.
NATO said the four were on patrol in a village and talking to children when the bomber approached on his bicycle.
The moment the bombers approached the advancing German lines, they were attacked by swarming German planes.