You can't help thinking that without its bombastic score, this documentary on the global hashish industry would be vastly superior, but it remains intriguing.
That pretty much sums up the problems with Andrew Lloyd Webber's bombastic score, which is well matched by Mr. Schumacher's production.
But even this mood is undermined by James Newton Howard's bombastic score, which suggests the romantic minimalism of Michael Nyman encrusted with heavenly vocal choirs.
Composer Christopher Young also returned to compose a more bombastic score larger in scope.
Richard J. Rundell writes of "weepy sentimentality" and says that "the saccharine tone is made far worse by Wolfgang Zeller's bombastic musical score."
"Faits et Gestes" to Robert Ruggieri's bombastic electronic score, is a tamer version of "Episodes," given last year by Alvin Ailey's company.
Set to a sometimes bombastic score by Leos Janacek, this 1978 ballet is among Mr. Kylian's fastest-moving works, especially in the sections for the seven men.
The archly bombastic score, by Edward Sheamur, is the only thing you might call witty.
Silly, slack and unforgivably tedious, Thomas Harris's screenplay is padded with interminable flashbacks and a bombastic score that telegraphs every emotion Hannibal represses.
The promiscuous application of John Powell's poundingly bombastic score of East African folk music in "The Lion King" mode only makes matters worse.