Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who had been offered the position of prime minister, refused to share power with other parties and started a massive bombardment campaign against the capital Kabul.
Militia leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was opposed to the agreement and with Pakistani support started a bombardment campaign against Kabul.
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar started a bombardment campaign against the capital city Kabul which marked the beginning of this new phase in the war.
In May 1992 Hekmatyar started a bombardment campaign against the capital city firing thousands of rockets supplied by Pakistan.
Thus far, the nuclear bombardment campaign was a success, but the victories had come at tremendous cost.
Beginning in mid-July, she began her participation in a lengthy bombardment campaign against Charleston's defending fortifications.
The aerial bombardment campaign consisted of more than 100 fly-overs.
His Hezb-e Islami militia initiated a massive bombardment campaign against the Islamic State and the capital city Kabul.
A nearly one-year siege and bombardment campaign against Kabul, however, was again defeated by Massoud's forces.