A cricket match ends in a player (Colonel Hawke) being assassinated with a bomb disguised as a cricket ball.
Meanwhile, the nuclear bomb, disguised as a cigarette vending machine, arrives in a crate in Baltimore and is placed in a football stadium.
"So we could float an unmanned bomb disguised as space debris close to the collider," said Grof, "but what then?"
From his exuberance, she assumed that the plan to float a bomb, disguised as space debris, close to the collider was a good one.
It concealed a bomb, disguised in a box for two bottles of Cointreau.
Mogambo has bombs disguised as toys, planted in places where children can find them.
Kirenenko knocks on the door again, and the guard gives Kirenenko a bomb disguised as a pastry.
In 1985, he suffered a hearing loss when a bomb, disguised as a manuscript, was opened at his house by his research assistant Nicklaus Suino.
Because of that, the remaining faction moved forward with their preparations and on 6 April exploded a bomb disguised as a fire extinguisher on the headstone.
Today, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a new security bulletin to airports and airlines emphasizing again the dangers of bombs disguised as electronic goods.