Over the last six years, there has been a huge increase in the number of bombs aimed at local, state or Federal governments.
A guided bomb aimed at a bridge hit a bus carrying civilians because the pilot hadn't noticed the vehicle in time.
I was taught to hate these people because they had atomic bombs aimed at us.
"You mean, we can handle just six more bombs aimed at us from Earth."
But it used them up detonating the first rocket-carried bombs aimed at the Platform.
In recent months, bombs aimed at the Chinese have exploded in Lhasa.
Children die not only from bombs and shells aimed at civilians but from starvation and disease.
Kipling survived 83 bombs aimed at her, while she picked up 279 survivors from the two ships.
A bomb, apparently aimed at the fleeing Taliban, followed immediately, killing him and the tailors.
"He told us about your stopping the bombs aimed at Nyjord, the two of you."