The man screamed as the bolt hit him and threw him violently against the cold stone wall.
Explosive bolts of energy threw light and short-lived shadows all around them as they ran.
Once and once only, but my right fist caught the point of his chin, threw him bolt upright.
The door was opened, the food slipped in, and the door closed and bolt thrown all in an instant.
The bolt always hits the Stone directly, yes, and sometimes throws it for many meters.
As he turned it in the lock, I felt as much as heard the bolt throw.
He quickly took the bolt from the big rifle, making it inoperative, threw the rifle into the cornfield and the bolt in the opposite direction.
Ziegler immediately slammed the door shut, threw three bolts in succession.
Another bolt threw Dobraine from his horse; the Cairhienin labored to his feet, laying about him with his sword.
A soldier seemed to leap sideways as a bolt punched through his ear hole and threw him bloodily into the doorframe.