Suddenly, a bolt of lightning seared across the sky.
Another bolt of energy seared the atmosphere almost dead ahead.
A bolt seared and crashed within centimeters of him.
The bolt that struck from the heavens would have seared and blinded any eye that glimpsed it, even for an instant.
Another bolt seared across his arm as he tried to dodge out of the line of fire.
He leapt to catch Elspeth's wrist, and jerked her aside only to see a bolt of lightning sear the stones where they had just been.
A bolt of energy seared over his head and burst into flaming fragments amongst the bar optics.
A second bolt seared the backs of my eyeballs.
More lightning bolts seared down, to right and left, each momentarily painting one side of his body a pure electric white.
A bolt of energy seared across the top of the chute and smashed into the wall behind them.