These honest men did at Brentford dine, Having drank each man his pint of wine, When this bold thief, with many curses, Did say, You dogs, your lives or purses.
Have the guards pick up this bold young thief, Rahman.
They's old thieves, an' they's bold thieves, but they ain't no old, bold thieves.
More likely thieves, though I did never hear of thieves bold enough to come right into an inn.
I've heard of thieves so bold they tell the workers, 'We're coming to steal these avocados, and if you don't like it we'll kill you.'
Know that in Zamora, and more especially in this city, there are more bold thieves than anywhere else in the world, even Koth.
As a guard at the new Toys "R" Us flagship store in Times Square, Alvin Foote has seen plenty of bold thieves this season.
But he was free-a bold, free, thief.
A good liar and a bold thief he may be, but on most counts Tutilo is as innocent as a babe.
Then the captain has gone to the three bold thieves, And he's made his sword baith to shiver and sing.