Then at the bold red sign by the lowered barrier that was now rising: full, contract parking only.
Across the square from him, high up in the air, a bold electric sign started to flash on and off.
I already made the bold, dramatic gesture, which forced the King to counter it with a bold, dramatic sign of trust.
There is a bold sign in the kitchen.
But also visible were a variety of bolder signs, including: "End One-Party Rule.
A bold red sign in the corner of the screen said that each step each of them managed to take before slipping would be worth $1000.
A bold sign in Helvetica type caught his eye: Assume nothing.
No bold signs advertising the "easiest way down" at every junction.
A bold illuminated sign by D.R.U. was located on the end wall, facing the city centre.
And those letters are drawn from the bold and brash signs he saw in what he calls "the golden age of outdoor signage."