Some bolder reformers also talk of promoting changes in foreign policy, including improved relations with the United States.
When even Richard Nixon voices alarm at how little help America has offered Russia's bold reformers, how does President Bush respond?
But one of the mayor's close advisers said yesterday that by clinging to the merit pay proposal, Mr. Giuliani hoped to be seen as a bold reformer.
On the contrary, both masters thought of themselves, and were understood by their contemporaries, as modern : bold reformers, extenders of music's realm.
He was one of the brash, bold reformers who swept into Congress 18 years ago on a wave of popular revulsion over Watergate and the Vietnam War.
He is widely regarded as the bold reformer who led Guangdong to come 'one step ahead' in China's reform.
Withholding help will only weaken Boris Yeltsin and his band of bold reformers.
Campaigning as a bold reformer, Mr. Kato carried out a shortlived bid for leadership of the party two years ago.
Seeking to regain his image as a bold reformer, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder promised to carry out as many proposals as possible.
He is well known as a prominent voice against the corrupt Afghan authorities of the past three decades, and a bold reformer and critic of the government.