A new young leader is required for a bold new direction.
Ford chose a bold direction for the Falcon's design.
"This must begin with either a change or command at the highest levels or our current leaders must embrace a bold new direction."
If you are imagining a bold new direction, what obstacles do you expect?
So even as the company tried to strike out in a bold new direction, its core business was withering.
The confessional tales of love, loss and life represented a bold, new direction for her.
Yet the grim events of this fall should not overshadow the many ways the human mind keeps pushing our world in bold new directions.
If I could discern a trend or a bold new direction in this body of work, I'd be happy to share it.
The album finds the songstress, once again, working with top producers and taking steps in a bold new musical direction.
But to the center's own board, it is an anachronism that ignores the bold, experimental direction of much of today's three-dimensional art.