Whatsoever might come to pass, I feared the bold, merry companion of Emile's youth was gone forever.
And so would my bold companion here.
It is a bold plan," Gwydion said, "but with bold companions it can succeed.
"Yes," exclaimed Michel Ardan, more moved than he wished to appear; and the three bold companions were united in a last embrace.
But my bold companion was suddenly overturned by the tentacles of a monster he had not been able to avoid.
The other men leaped up from their slumbers, one running off screaming into the woods, but the other two coming to the aid of their bold companion.
Mona was an attractive woman and a bold, amusing companion, but nothing was clicking romantically for me with her.
In the name of my bold companions here I challenge you: march out and try with blades to pry us from this rock!
Her maids, in martial pomp, on either side, Larina, Tulla, fierce Tarpeia, ride: Italians all; in peace, their queen's delight; In war, the bold companions of the fight.
She told herself that Tarathiel had to be close and quickly reminded herself of all those times when her bold companion had run off into the night in pursuit of fleeing orcs.