Is Comcast's bold bid for Disney in fact a conservative move?
To some, it is a bold new bid to fulfill the vision of an alcohol-free nation set forth by Gandhi.
But Beaumont is already confident that the eight-year-old will make a bold bid to pull off the feat in 12 months' time.
Anand made a bold bid to win the game by sacrificing rook for knight with 27 Rd5!
The order was reported in the local newspaper with some emphasis, "Coventry firm makes bold bid for foreign markets".
The Church of the capital made a bold bid for the vacant post of pre-eminence.
We can make such a bold bid because America is strong, and 40 years of perseverance and patience are finally paying off.
The move ends a bold bid by United to create an airline giant that would have transformed the domestic industry.
East's bold five-club bid was based on the favorable vulnerability.
Gunner Malone was ahead of his pursuers, making a bold bid for freedom.