For months, the State Legislature has been considering a bold agenda that could help revitalize New York City's ailing schools.
Despite so tenuous a mandate for his bold conservative agenda, the press has largely ignored the subject of his relationship to the American public.
Learn more about this bold new agenda in the coming week as cabinet members tour communities across the state.
Building on the successes of last year, Governor Cuomo's bold new agenda includes plans to:
"It will be up to their successors to push a bolder agenda," Mr. Pastor said.
Conventional wisdom holds that you do not build bold agendas on small majorities, and Bill Clinton had no majority at all.
But it's progress that leads to a compromise, not a bold agenda.
They didn't vote for any bold agenda.
Mr. Gore cast his proposal as part of a bold environmental agenda that he pledged would be central to his campaign.
"The president has set forth a really bold agenda for American foreign policy," Ms. Rice said, standing on a staircase in the lobby of the department.