The term was further used during the Sandinista regime of Nicaragua in the late 1970s and 1980s, referring to crowds of boisterous, sometimes violent supporters.
MLSSoccer reports the bottle was thrown by a fan sitting in the north end at FC Dallas Stadium, which is where some of the club's most vocal and boisterous supporters enjoy FC Dallas' home games.
The accounts said the hijackers were greeted by crowds of boisterous supporters at the Havana airport.
Today, in a demonstration of his "electronic town hall" concept, he will hook himself up via satellite to crowds of boisterous supporters in six different cities.
Along with several thousand other equally boisterous supporters in the gallery, we made the hall ring with "We Want Willkie.
Kelly also appeared in Canada: A People's History as a boisterous, Irish supporter of Daniel Tracey.
"The decision to steal the local elections was the final straw for many Serbs," said Zoran Djindjic, one of the opposition leaders, as he prepared to move onto a balcony overlooking tens of thousands of boisterous supporters.
Mr. Norman, accompanied by about 15 boisterous supporters, turned himself in to the Brooklyn district attorney's office last night and is to be arraigned today.
"People had a choice here," he told The Associated Press while celebrating late tonight at a city tavern, surrounded by boisterous supporters.