A traditional band plays most evenings when the boisterous atmosphere is best enjoyed with a group, and bookings are recommended.
San Mamés can seat almost forty thousand people and is renowned for the unique and boisterous atmosphere its crowds of devoted and loyal fans create on match-days.
The lively, even boisterous atmosphere at Falstaff, on Rue Henri-Maus, suits its fin-de-siecle brasserie decor.
Where to Eat Southwestern meets Caribbean in a trendy, boisterous atmosphere at Automatic Slim's Tonga Club, 83 South Second Street; (901) 525-7948.
Her behaviour as a convict had proved troublesome for the authorities and they wished to remove her from the boisterous atmosphere and temptations of Hobart.
With its boisterous atmosphere of lawyers and tenants negotiating in crowded hallways or barking into cellphones, the housing court can be a desperately bewildering experience.
Daunted by the strang-er's presence, the stale air and a falsely boisterous atmosphere, the boy hung back in the doorway, listening.
Many celebrations call for a loud, boisterous atmosphere with lots of activity and the resulting aesthetic, ramé, is distinctively Balinese.
It is much loved for its cracking ales, simple but wholesome bar food and boisterous atmosphere.
The teahouse is typically male dominated, but foreign women do get honorary male treatment and it is invariably a boisterous atmosphere, especially under the pylons.