Some orchestras are good but most are very loud and sound like a fully automated boiler factory.
Riveting machines, boiler factories; in fact, almost any sort of work can be done now in quiet!
Kevin Joseph Roach's set design looks like an explosion in a boiler factory.
After what seemed far too short a time, he was awakened by a sound like a boiler factory in action.
Luis is obsessed with his job in a boiler factory as he provides the family with the trappings of a "better" life.
He said he might be willing to stay during the construction period - "as long as we don't have to live here in a boiler factory."
"Hell, I can't think with that bloody boiler factory clattering at me."
It's noisier than a boiler factory around here today.
They are home to coal miners or employees of the town's state-owned boiler factory.
Any comparison with a Siberian boiler factory he would have regarded as the ravings of an unhinged mind.