From the bohemian atmosphere of the left bank to the cool elegance of the Champs Elysées, Paris has something for everyone.
The student population contributes to the bohemian atmosphere in Cass Corridor.
The neighborhood has been referred to as having a "grungey, post-punk bohemian" atmosphere.
People still visit in their droves to absorb the bohemian atmosphere and pick up books on subjects ranging from Surrealism to Anti-capitalism.
Chess tables and espresso added to the bohemian atmosphere.
All this gives the town a rather bohemian atmosphere.
He became associated with the louche and bohemian atmosphere that existed in London's Soho district.
Sidney's apartment parallels the bohemian atmosphere in Greenwich Village.
"I need a bohemian atmosphere"
So it was a pretty bohemian atmosphere I was in when I produced my memorable paintings.