"Theft of service" was a bogus issue, and "intellectual property" was a bad joke.
The bogus issue, using the logo and format of Pipe Dream, which is published twice a week, was distributed across campus yesterday morning.
Captured typewriters and duplicators were used to fabricate bogus issues of the paper.
But the stock took a real nose dive after reports arose late last month that it might have underwritten bogus tax-exempt issues.
Subsequently, after much wrangling by politicians over the bogus issue of cultural elitism, the commission was withdrawn.
He said, "Rather than put people back to work, the Democratic leaders have attempted to create a bogus political issue for November."
The complaints of ice cream, taped music and lights were largely bogus issues, Mother Teresa said.
I think raising the race card is a bogus issue.
They ought to argue those issues, not these bogus issues that they keep bringing up.
There are also many forgeries and bogus issues imitating early stamps from the communist areas.