Her body, poised on her toes, strained in an agonized stretch.
Gillian leaned against the ledge and relaxed his muscles, body poised for action.
Duncan stared at the door, his body poised for defense.
The boy stood close to him, his body poised.
He held himself with careful readiness, his lean, muscular body poised for action.
At once he fell still, his hand clutching the door, his body poised to step into the cold.
His body, poised on the balls of his feet as if to spring, was rigid with tension.
She spun around and was on her feet even as the handle turned, her body tense, poised to react.
He looked down at them both, his body poised in mid stride.
It surprised him enough to have him pausing, one hand on the fence, his body poised to vault.