However, frame size, medications, health conditions, body fat percentage, and other factors can change your calorie needs significantly.
Despite overall weight loss in this study there was not a significant reduction in body fat percentage.
For a man, a body fat percentage of 18% to 25% is not bad for 40-plus.
To get that body fat percentage, you need to have excellent fitness to maintain a good muscle base.
Controversy exists as to whether a particular body fat percentage is better for one's health; athletic performance may also be affected.
These measurements are converted to an estimated body fat percentage by an equation.
I put on about 10 pounds of muscle and I went down in body fat percentage.
There are many other methods used to determine body fat percentage.
His results were a record for most kilos and highest body percentage lost in the show's history.
The body fat percentage is considered to be an even more accurate measure of relative weight.