This hardened matrix forms the body of the bone.
The body of the bone is strong, and of well-marked prismoid form.
Sphenoidal fissure: separates the wings and the body of the sphenoid bone.
The fibers arising from the body of the hyoid bone overlap those from the greater cornu.
Its base is continuous with the body of the bone, and of considerable strength.
The posterior fibers pass inferomedially to insert into the body of the hyoid bone.
Inferior (below) by the body of the hyoid bone while its floor is formed by the mylohyoideus.
The hypophyseal fossa is located in a depression in the body of the sphenoid bone.
The narrowed part in the middle is referred to as the body of the bone.
In addition to these there is a secondary center for a thin epiphysial plate on the under surface of the body of the bone.