Behind us, borne in precisely similar fashion, came the body of his foe.
None of the bullets he sent in reply to the killer's shots found a target in the body of his fleeing foe.
The broad surface of the Potomac was blue with floating bodies of our foe.
Kamerynn reared and kicked again, but he missed the lightning-quick body of his foe.
Tristan looked up at the body of his foe, towering fully five times his own height.
Numa rose, shaking himself, and stood above the torn and mutilated body of his foe.
Her face held no expression, as she watched the arrows meant to pierce her own body penetrate the body of her foe.
Paul said, running up to me as I stood there in the drizzle, the body of my late foe there at my booted feet.
Tarzan rose and placed a foot upon the body of his foe.
Grimly, the killer raised his gun to put a bullet into the body of his foe.