His body was embalmed, enclosed in a silver coffin, and buried in a cemetery on the southern hillside of the Alhambra.
Dr. Zabriski's body was still enclosed in a large, clear plastic bag.
Unlike other sea cucumbers, their tentacles are not divided into multiple branches, and the body is enclosed within a flexible shell-like structure called a test.
The cheap slatted seat was painfully uncomfortable, and his whole body seemed enclosed in an iron maiden of spikes and clamps.
The bodies and body parts were enclosed in black or white plastic bags, which were placed in a traffic circle among three small trees.
In clams the body is enclosed in a pair of valves, which in most species are mirror images of one another.
Holes found at the base of the mound suggest that the bodies at the base had been enclosed in a wooden vault.
Its box-like body was enclosed in armor plates, providing protection from predators.
This would have happened sooner, except that his body was enclosed in the sleeping bag.
Their heads and bodies were now entirely enclosed by the police web.