He also said that Williams's body was much more defined because he had taken his weight-training regimen to another level.
He was about my age, which made him a little old for a fraternity prank, and his body was nicely defined.
The body was not so clearly defined.
Women whose bodies are defined as 'defective' are pushed to the erotic margins of this society.
Our bodies are defined and controlled in the interests of power and profit.
The body which regulates the legal profession is defined as the Jabmi Tshogdey, analogous to a bar association.
The body is defined as the United States Cabinet.
Their bodies are sharply defined, as though illuminated by stage lights.
As an informal body with no powers are strictly defined met until 1950, when its activities were paralyzed internment most especially bishops.
The official legislative body of the Kingdom was not defined until the 1840 Constitution.