In his announcement, the administrator, a retired lieutenant general, declined to specify how the interim body would be chosen.
Rather, it is about whether or not the body that drafts the new constitution will be chosen and allowed to function on democratic principles.
Would his body be chosen next to feed them?
Pfeiffer was unavailable and a body double was chosen.
These elective bodies were chosen by representatives of the next lower level people's revolutionary committees at the provincial and district levels.
By drawing lots, a body of 30 electors was chosen, which was further reduced to nine electors by drawing lots again.
"The body was carefully chosen," he said.
Her very own body had been chosen to serve as vessel for Them!
I also wish to emphasise that the employee representatives on the management and supervisory bodies should be chosen or designated in accordance with national legislation.
In the new 500-seat lower house of Parliament, the key legislative body, 300 seats will be chosen from these single-seat districts.