The next moment, his entire body flashed iridescent.
"Is it like a night, a week..." Her body flashed hot when he closed his mouth over her breast.
Her white body flashed past him and hit the water, with a smack like a rising trout.
Just one good shot-Ridge way's crumpled body flashed in his mind, and the urge evaporated.
Its long body flashed ahead of the wave as the Nicor angled into the depths.
I tried to push the thought away, but Jonah Cooper's body flashed in my head.
The green body flashed out of the shadow, winged toward the path.
Rods ahead her white body flashed, speeding toward the Pit.
But to his surprise, a blue-clad body flashed in front of her and took the brunt of the Tessma's attack.
Her white body flashed from her open robe.