His body exhibits extreme skin calcification, a trait he shares with Bizarro.
Despite the apparently natural causes of death each body exhibits a magical signature which leads Peter to believe that the deaths are far from natural.
The bodies of the figures wear clothes and exhibit tattoos similar to those found in the South Pacific.
Although most renowned for her ceramic sculptures, Frey also created a significant body of two-dimensional works that have been widely exhibited.
The bodies of tyrannosaurs exhibited huge heads and legs, in contrast to proportionally tiny arms.
Today, Lake continues to make work about the body focusing on issues of ageing, and exhibiting her work worldwide.
Although 14 bodies in the cemetery exhibited signs of a violent death, there is no evidence that they died at Maiden Castle.
Must our bodies exhibit a deep dark tan or some "nice color" for us to feel attractive?
The Guest's body previously exhibited a living tension when touched.
His body exhibits the characteristic intracellular structures of one who is 1O.2.