The problem is that the body can't excrete pure water, Dr. Fox said.
Levels can also become high if the body cannot excrete enough urate, the salts of uric acid.
This pharmacokinetic analysis describes exactly how the body absorbs, metabolizes, distributes and excretes 7-Keto.
"The toxin itself is deteriorating to smaller molecular particles, most of which the human body can easily excrete."
There are many herbal compounds designed and marketed to help the body excrete toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury.
"My body does not excrete fluids to cool itself, as yours does."
The human body can't excrete iron (unlike other minerals), so any excess amounts that collect in tissues can be harmful.
With B vitamins, if you consume too much, your body will excrete the excess in your urine.
The problem with PBB is that the body doesn't excrete it or eliminate it in any way.
And in many instances, the body will process, store and excrete one mirror-image molecule differently from the other.