This body, chaired by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, meets twice a year to coordinate the work of the organizations of the United Nations System.
Despite the Committee of Grievances, a body chaired by Sir Edward Coke that abolished a large number of monopolies, a wave of protest occurred at the expansion of the system.
The National Defence Committee (a body chaired by Walesa and including the Prime Minister and other ministers) on Nov. 2 adopted a new defence doctrine for Poland.
The Council of Dalon ap Landu is the collective body of all Third Order Druids, chaired by the Arch-Druid of Carleton.
Coke succeeded in establishing the Committee of Grievances, a body chaired by him that abolished a large number of monopolies.
ANERT is guided by a governing body chaired by the Minister for Electricity, Government of Kerala.
The Security Council (SC), a body chaired by the president, is responsible for drafting decisions and providing assistance to the head of state on issues of defense and national security.
The Libertarian National Committee (LNC) is a 27-member body, currently chaired by Geoff Neale.
An independent body, chaired by former NSW gaming minister Richard Face, was assigned to make the decision.
The activities of POMOA supervised by Supreme Organizing Committee, a body chaired by Mengistu himself.