Patients confront feared bodily symptoms such as increased heart rate and shortness of breath.
These self-destructive thoughts can also lead to bodily symptoms such as sweating, shaking and choking.
These panic attacks are less comprehensive, with fewer than 4 bodily symptoms being experienced.
There is usually no pain or other bodily symptoms, unless the disease is severe.
As we had hoped, clients' catastrophic thoughts, particularly misinterpretations of bodily symptoms, altered significantly.
The conversion of mental experiences or states into bodily symptoms (somatization disorder).
"My rule of thumb is, the more bodily symptoms you have, the more responsive you'll be to antidepressants."
Some develop bodily symptoms like stomach aches and headaches.
If the person fails to recognize and accept the onset of ego loss, he may complain of strange bodily symptoms.
The bodily symptoms you are having are not drug-effects.