Or did you ever reach them with any other bodily sense?
The bodily senses were routed through different unconscious processes.
There is a stillness, which is rather of the mind than of the bodily senses.
The Epicureans believed that the bodily senses themselves were not the cause of error, but the interpretations can be.
Yes, he felt well in a bodily sense, but he also felt strangely different.
Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which two or more bodily senses are coupled.
Man, on the contrary, gains infinitely more knowledge than his bodily senses can afford.
In Judaism, marriage represents the completion of each human being in a spiritual and bodily sense.
The impression of reality felt under these conditions was not only provided by vision and hearing, but also by the other bodily senses.
It is "a divine supernatural, evidence or conviction, 'of things not seen,' not discoverable by our bodily senses."