Those getting no light behind their knees experienced small but statistically insignificant changes in their bodily rhythms, Dr. Campbell said.
Kern suspected that scarcer light in winter was the cause and discussed the idea with scientists at the NIMH who were working on bodily rhythms.
If true, this would make SAD a disturbance in the circadian rhythm, the 24-hour pattern that normally aligns the sleep-wake cycle with all the other bodily rhythms.
The authors said more research was needed on how people deprived of sleep were affected by normal bodily rhythms and by incentives, usually monetary ones, that are offered for successful performance on tests.
It appeared there were synergistic effects that might impact both memory and general brainwave function, indeed all bodily rhythms, including heart rhythms.
We each of us feel a need to identify our bodily rhythms with those of the cosmos.
Aircrew had long since been dispensed with; computer-controlled servos were much more reliable, and anyway the human constitution could not stand prolonged upsets in bodily rhythm.
You can also create it nonverbally, through postural echo and other forms of nonverbal Matching: emulate a bodily posture or bodily rhythm.
One is powered by bodily rhythm, the other by an electric current.
This was because, in the instant of enfolding Hrun gently in his claws, Ninereeds the dragon had momentarily synchronized their bodily rhythms.