You've a lot to learn about bodily pleasure, Mistress Mary.
She could not experience bodily pleasure or pain.
She also makes it clear that bodily pleasure, especially sexuality, was one of the major points of conflict between fetishism and Islam.
Finally, he asks why people are so attracted to bodily pleasures.
This raises the question of why play and bodily pleasures cannot be happiness, because for example tyrants sometimes choose such lifestyles.
Any random person can enjoy bodily pleasures, including a slave, and no one would want to be a slave.
The nightspots are full of youngsters who have decided to say 'No' to bodily pleasures.
She associated reading and writing with bodily pleasure and remained a voracious reader throughout her life.
From the moment of birth an infant is driven in their actions by the desire for bodily and sexual pleasure.
There is something in the way the words fall, a certain bodily pleasure in re-enacting them.