Has the reality of them ever been perceived by you through the bodily organs?
Superimposed on their skin were diagrams of bodily organs that could have been taken from a medical textbook.
Furthermore, each chapter is associated with a specific colour, art or science, and bodily organ.
If that is the case, then the soul is the body's form and yet thinking need not involve any bodily organ.
These tests use technologies that visualize your bodily organs and present them like a picture.
And my bodily organs sent friendly little messages back.
Taking this argument to its conclusion, he supports legalization of selling one's own bodily organs.
This is done by tightening blood vessels in order to increase the heart beat and circulation to bodily organs.
An organic disease is one which involves or affects physiology or bodily organs.
Of the bodily organs, the heart plays a particularly important role in our emotional experience.