Even conventional medicine was starting to take the spirit, however unscientific a concept it might be, into account as a factor in the cause of bodily illness.
One of her most famous works is The role of bodily illness in the mental life of children.
The bodily illnesses of the insane-and they are many-are extraordinarily well cared for.
Eating only a little water and bread, Pausicacus was given a gift of healing and he began to cure bodily and mental illnesses.
Similarly, many adults suffer mental states, mild or severe, that can manifest as bodily illness.
But it was no bodily illness that affected her now.
Also Siirala considered bodily and mental illnesses as alternative reactions.
For clearly it was a case of mental excitement triumphing over a bodily illness.
There seemed no sign of common bodily illness about him, nor of the recovery from any.
The slight and delicate woman was sinking beneath the combined effects of bodily and mental illness.