And would he be the happier man in his bodily condition, who is healed, or who never was out of health?
This means that a bodily condition will translate to a noticeable change in the appearance of the iris.
Ions exist inside and outside of the neuron and are subject to many bodily conditions.
This would mean that a bodily condition translates to a noticeable change in the appearance of the iris.
One's mental power controls his bodily condition.
In brief, bodily conditions which spring from attachment are painful.
As such, it can be excited in various ways by external stimuli or internal bodily conditions.
So I pray you, mejuffrouw, have no further thought of my unpleasant bodily condition.
Without the need for a court order, police in certain circumstances may do various things to ascertain the bodily condition, etc., of the accused.
Both, therefore, seem to be in a sense bodily conditions, which is thought to be characteristic of feeling rather than of a state of character.