Initially the defilements are restrained through mindfulness to prevent them from taking over mental and bodily action.
Indeed, there was something more than his usual expansiveness of bodily action in his appearance at that moment.
Then, I said, in all bodily actions, not quietness, but the greatest agility and quickness, is noblest and best?
Both versions ask the committed and penitent Christian reader to call to mind his bodily actions on earth in relation to his soul's afterlife.
In this sutta, the Buddha instructs his son about skillful mental, verbal and bodily actions.
What is here required is not a bodily action, but an inward disposition.
He uses bodily action to remain in contact with reality via football, rowing, and running.
The corn becomes the living earth, or the energy that kindles our bodily actions, or the sound of a young calf lowing for his mother.
Here was the great contrast with actual Chinese opera and drama, where bodily action is held in restraint.
Some aspects of morality, John Paul is arguing, are rooted in the realities of the body, not pasted arbitrarily onto bodily actions.