The whales, injured by a boat propeller, have passed the bridge several times, but always retreated upstream.
A boat propeller cut into his head, nearly killing him.
Scully, still skeptical about Big Blue being the killer, thinks that a boat propeller was responsible.
The aquatic mammals, which look a little like hairless seals, grow to about 10 feet and sometimes are cut up by boat propellers.
The eight bodies were laid out between the wrecks in a pattern that might have been trying to be a flower, or a boat propeller.
They are not fast enough to elude the boat propellers, and thus suffer from fatal gashes.
The streets are filled with stalls selling everything from fresh food and bulk tobacco to boat propellers.
Scarring occurs when boat propellers tear off the live coral and expose the skeleton.
On their honeymoon, he treated her for severe injuries after she was hit by a boat propeller while swimming.
During her time in the area, Davina received several serious injuries from being struck by boat propellers of people going out to see her.