He then worked in the nuclear power and jet engine fields while continuing to build boat models as a hobby.
This makes them fuel efficient, particularly when compared with other similarly sized boat models like the motor and sport yacht.
As opposed to other Early Bronze Age ship and boat models, this model was not found in a burial context.
A six-foot boat model is affixed to two pedestals that allow the craft to lurch and heel as if at sea.
There are also some specific boat models and lengths which have their own club.
Unfortunately, the Beagles manage to escape with the boat model.
The auction includes launches, boating trophies, marine paintings and old boat models.
They uncovered a fine but fragmentary wooden boat model with many rowers of Middle Kingdom.
And I'm sure for the people who build a boat model or do bead work or macrame, the same thing applies.
The tomb of Tutankhamen, who lived much later, in the 18th dynasty, more than 3,300 years ago, contained 35 boat models.