Bollinger, it turned out, had overestimated how much stress the modified boats could handle, a miscalculation it cannot fully explain.
The boat has 22 staterooms and can handle 150 passengers.
It was a delicate maneuver; boats in open sea did not handle like rolling objects on a stable surface.
This boat can handle more than one ton of passengers and the entertainers must weigh less than 1000 lbs.
Never saw a boat handled like that in all my life.
But when the architects began to simulate how the boat would handle passengers loaded only onto one side, it became dangerously unstable.
The spanker was sheeted too snugly; that the boat handled at all was a tribute to the skill of her designer.
"Can the boat handle this?"
Beringer tried to get back here in that huge storm but his boat couldn't handle it and was wrecked out by Merrifield Bay.
Any high winds, waves, or currents will make these boats very difficult to handle, and could easily result in a capsize.