He was first confronted with 11 boarder babies a year ago.
After a public outcry, most states and major cities moved quickly to address the problem of "boarder babies."
This week, a report on what happened to a group of boarder babies showed that they, too, had often been failed by the system.
Many stayed so long they became known as "boarder babies."
At University Hospital, it costs about $10,000 to keep the average boarder baby.
Most boarder babies were newborns, with less than 20 percent of them ranging from a few months in age to 1 year.
Ask them, then, where they think the boarder babies should go and they'll tell you: "That's their problem, not ours."
All those boarder babies need someone to love them and care.
We will have a house in this community for these boarder babies and I'll tell you why.
Last year, the hospital spent $1 million caring for boarder babies, its officials said.