The board declared him negligent and revoked his Captain's license, the Master's Certificate, for a year.
The board has revoked 22 licenses there since 1977, citing a variety of violations.
The board may suspend, reject or cancel programs, but cannot revoke broadcast licenses.
The board revoked the suspensions the next day.
The board has the power to censure psychologists and can revoke their licenses.
Two proposed schools were challenged last year, and the board revoked both of their charters.
It was the first time the board had revoked representation rights.
The board could have revoked Antley's license.
When it was found, the board revoked the game's "mature" classification and changed it to "adults only."
The medical board revoked his license, stating that Brinkley "has performed an organized charlatanism ... quite beyond the invention of the humble mountebank".