The board, by the way, has never lost a case.
In the last few years, the board has lost several high-ranking staff members who were lured to jobs in private industry.
Meanwhile, the board has lost momentum in developing a coherent agenda.
The 43-year-old lawyer said he thought the board had "lost some of its grit" in protecting the public from transportation hazards.
The boards lost what little power they had left last year, when the Legislature agreed to give the mayor control of the school system.
Why would the board make such a generous investment in my career and then lose me?
Federal education officials said the board would likely lose much of the $9 million allocation next year but not the $6.6 million.
A top school official who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the board would rather lose the officers than cut instruction.
Management and boards of directors in these troubled companies have lost credibility.
As a result, the board loses control over occupancy.