Bridie does so, and afterward boards a train as instructed, but her contact, an elderly woman, (Katie Johnson), is arrested before any exchange can take place.
After the announcement, International Banknote's board instructed management to explore options to maximize shareholder value.
The board at Allied had instructed him to get the case settled quickly for as little outlay as possible, so that the sale to Becker could proceed.
The board has also instructed the schools to prepare the report card and it will be duly signed by the principal, the student and the Board official.
In addition, the incumbent board instructed shareholders to submit completed proxy-ballots to the incumbent president for a tally.
The board instructed the county attorney, Daniel Eckert, to prepare to sue the state to extend the deadline to submit the completed, certified vote tally.
The board instructed the executive committee to start an immediate search for a successor.
But Jack Van Fossen, Chemlawn's chairman and chief executive, said the company's board instructed its financial advisers to seek other buyers.
The board instructed Montresor to begin construction but failed to provide him with the funds that he considered necessary to do so properly.
Accordingly, its board instructed QVC to provide proof that it could finance the $3.5 billion cash portion of its bid.