The board also eliminated the positions of 8 retiring employees.
Rather than reducing the experience requirement, the board eliminated it altogether.
At his urging, the board has eliminated the last available cluster-housing zone from the master plan.
The critical question is whether or not the board has eliminated all of the vestiges of past segregation.
Some educators, though, said that if the courses were not required, students would not take them, and local boards of education might eliminate the offerings.
There was precedent for doing so: in 1963 and 1971, the board had eliminated terms offensive to blacks and Asians.
The board also eliminated the Adult agriculture Education program and furloughed the coordinator.
When Mr. Kearins insisted that the company needed at least two staff members, the board eliminated his salary as well.
But school officials said the board would not eliminate the middle-school teacher program, under way since September, and would instead find another source for the $1 million.
The board eliminated 3,5 teacher positions.